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Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Sciences David Lo, MD, PhD, of the UC Riverside School of Medicine has been appointed to the California Air Resources Board’s (CARB) Scientific Review Panel on Toxic Air Contaminants. The appointment is for a three-year term. The panel meets quarterly and is charged with reviewing proposed...
UCR School of Medicine has announced the recipients of the 2025 Dean's Collaborative Seed Grants. The grant provides funds up to $25,000 in seed grant funding for collaborative interdisciplinary research projects between faculty in the Division of Biomedical Sciences and UCR as a whole, aimed at developing proposals and preliminary...
The UCR School of Medicine presented the 2024 UCR SOM Faculty Achievement Awards during its quarterly Town Hall meeting on Tuesday, December 3. The awards covered categories including teacher of the year, mentor of the year, research achievements, clinical faculty awards, and more. “I’d like to take the opportunity to...
UC Riverside School of Medicine Professor of Biomedical Sciences Scott Pegan, PhD, has been named associate dean for preclerkship medical education beginning Sept. 2, 2024 In his new role, Pegan will work closely with Sherif Hassan, MD, the executive associate dean for pre-clerkship medical education to enhance the pre-clerkship medical...
Meera Nair, PhD, has been appointed as the new associate dean for biomedical research at the UC Riverside School of Medicine. In the position, Nair will provide strategic leadership to support, enhance, and expand biomedical research at the school and will be responsible for oversight and operations of research facilities...
Three cadets from the US Military Academy at West Point will be conducting research internships in the University of California Riverside School of Medicine’s Biomedical Sciences program as the inaugural participants in a new program designed to build research-based bridges between the institutions. Scott Pegan, PhD, a professor in the...
The UC Riverside Office of Research and Economic Development (AVC-RED) has named School of Medicine Biomedical Sciences researcher Djurdjica Coss, PhD as associate vice chancellor. Her official start date is slated for September 1, 2023. With a profound dedication to advancing knowledge, Coss currently leads an NIH-funded laboratory at UCR...
With the end of the 2022-23 academic year now upon us, the UC Riverside School of Medicine hosted several awards ceremonies for students, faculty and staff members. Listed below are the award recipients. Congratulations to all of our honorees. Staff and Faculty Awards Lunch These awards were presented at the...
Several mornings each week, Isaac Owusu-Frimpong rises with the sun to complete a morning run before heading to work at the UCR School of Medicine. But these are no leisurely jogs. The Division of Biomedical Sciences FAO recently completed two marathons in six weeks and is training for more. In...
UC Riverside School of Medicine Biomedical Sciences Professors Meera Nair and Erica Heinrich are hosting a COVID-19 Community Chat on Saturday, April 15, 2023 at the Multidisciplinary Research Building on the campus of UCR. The chat is free and open to the public, but space is limited to the first...
Declan McCole, PhD, of the Division of Biomedical Sciences pulled off a remarkable accomplishment as he was named recipient of three separate awards in recognition of his variety of work at the UC Riverside School of Medicine. McCole was named recipient of the 2022 Research Achievement Award in Biomedical or...
During one of the first meetings after Stephanie Guardado joined the UC Riverside School of Medicine’s Biomedical Sciences Ph.D. program from Cal Poly Pomona in 2016, one of her faculty members casually mentioned that there was a chance that the students might be sitting in the room with their future...
There’s currently no effective treatment for multiple sclerosis (MS), but Seema Tiwari-Woodruff, Ph.D. , the director of UCR's Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program, may be well on her way to finding one. As MS attacks the body, it causes damage to the myelin sheath, the fatty coating around nerve fibers that...
What can people living in the mountains of Peru teach us about people dealing with COVID-19 related oxygen deficiency? Actually, quite a bit. High-altitude exposure leads to hypoxia, or low levels of oxygen in the body—a condition that’s present in COVID-19 and many other medical conditions. Erica Heinrich, Ph.D., an...
On Saturday, June 4, 2022, four members of the UC Riverside School of Medicine's Division of Biomedical Sciences will participate in the annual Graduate Division Hooding Ceremony at the Student Recreation Center North. In celebration of their graduation, we asked John Macbeth, Stephanie Guardado, Edward Vizcarra, and Allison Peterson (pictured...
It’s a year later than originally scheduled, but on May 22, more than 200 scientists will gather at the Mission Inn in Riverside for the 16th International Congress on Toxoplasmosis and Toxoplasma gondii Research. “The conference is unique because it is all about the Toxoplasma gondii parasite, which is also...
The UCR School of Medicine has announced a variety of new hires and promotions at the Dean's Town Hall on Tuesday, August 31, 2021. A total of 13 academic and 20 staff hires were announced as well as seven academic promotions and two staff promotions. New Academic Hires Dr. Basima...