The Center for Health Disparities Research (HDR) is seeking new proposals for projects in health disparities. These pilot grants can be funded up to $50,000 direct costs for a one-year project. Faculty with an appointment in any UCR college or school are eligible. Details on the required components of a proposal are available here. The anticipated submission deadline is December 1, 2022.
Proposals can be for:
- Pilot Interdisciplinary Collaborative Research Awards (PIC), which are aimed promoting research teams across disciplines.
- Fostering Interdisciplinary Research-early Stage Pilot Grants, which are aimed at helping emerging investigators in health disparities research.
Details on these types of grants can be found on the HDR website.
Over the past four years HDR has awarded over 20 pilot grants, and for this round they anticipate awarding one or two new pilot grant awards.
Proposals are welcome on almost any topic that is aimed at understanding health disparities. However, priority in this solicitation will be given to proposals on any of the following topics:
- Impacts of climate change and chronic drought with disparate health effects in underserved communities.
- Mechanisms of the reproduction of racial ideologies that reinforce structural racism and contribute to health disparities.
- Impacts of community-based organization activities on dissemination of health information in underserved communities.
- Financial education and impacts in communities.
- Environmental justice and health: Disparities in health impacts of environmental toxic exposures.
- Information and misinformation impact on health in underserved communities.
All proposals are required to include a community engagement component, and you are encouraged to contact the Community Engagement and Dissemination Core members Michelle Burroughs or Katheryn Rodriguez for help with identifying community partners for this component.
Applications should be submitted by email to Cristina Gonzalez. (cristina.gonzalez@medsch.ucr.edu). If you have any questions regarding the writing or submission of proposals please contact David Lo.