Content Authored by: Ross French

HCAI Grant Will Allow UCR Pathway Programs to Expand
The University of California, Riverside School of Medicine has received a grant of just over $2.9 million from the California Department of Health Care Access and Information (HCAI) that will allow the school to strengthen and expand its 11 pathway programs, further helping the school in its mission to improve...

Love & Research
During one of the first meetings after Stephanie Guardado joined the UC Riverside School of Medicine’s Biomedical Sciences Ph.D. program from Cal Poly Pomona in 2016, one of her faculty members casually mentioned that there was a chance that the students might be sitting in the room with their future...

Four Biomedical Sciences Students Graduate on June 4
On Saturday, June 4, 2022, four members of the UC Riverside School of Medicine's Division of Biomedical Sciences will participate in the annual Graduate Division Hooding Ceremony at the Student Recreation Center North. In celebration of their graduation, we asked John Macbeth, Stephanie Guardado, Edward Vizcarra, and Allison Peterson (pictured...

Researchers from Around the World Coming to Riverside for Biennial Conference on Parasite
It’s a year later than originally scheduled, but on May 22, more than 200 scientists will gather at the Mission Inn in Riverside for the 16th International Congress on Toxoplasmosis and Toxoplasma gondii Research. “The conference is unique because it is all about the Toxoplasma gondii parasite, which is also...

Reception Celebrates Launch of Inaugural Cúrate Literary Magazine
About 40 members of the UC Riverside School of Medicine community celebrated the publication of the inaugural edition of the Cúrate literary magazine at a reception at the UCR Alumni and Visitors Center on October 15, 2021. The event featured readings by the authors as well as an exhibition of...

MS3 Writes Introduction Chapter to AAMC's "Official Guide to Medical School Admissions"
Patrick Samones, a member of the class of 2023, is the author of a chapter introduction for the AAMC's Official Guide to Medical School Admissions: How to Prepare for and Apply to Medical School, which will be released on October 15, 2021. The book, which is released annually, is a...

Newly Graduated Residents Add to Pool of Local Physicians
In a series of small gatherings in early June, the UC Riverside School of Medicine celebrated the graduation of a total of 23 residents in the primary care fields of family medicine, internal medicine, and psychiatry and nine fellows in the fields of addiction medicine, child and adolescent psychiatry, gastroenterology...

Students, Faculty, and Staff Honored at Annual School of Medicine Awards Ceremony
The UC Riverside School of Medicine formally kicked-off its end-of-the-year celebration with the annual School of Medicine Awards Ceremony on Wednesday, May 19, 2021. The event, which was held on Zoom, included awards to more than 50 students, faculty, and staff in cerebration of their contributions and achievements. The full...

Voices of the Vaccinated
Frontline healthcare providers, including clinicians, staff, residents and medical students from the UCR School of Medicine and UCR Health were among the first people to receive vaccinations for COVID-19. We asked UCR SOM and UCR Health employees who had received the vaccine to share their thoughts and experiences both before...

UCR Students, Staff, & Faculty Make a Difference in the Community During the Holidays
As the second surge of the COVID-19 pandemic struck the Inland Empire region in mid-December, Riverside University Health Systems (RUHS) and Riverside Community Hospital (RCH) found themselves facing staff and physician shortages and put out a call for help. UCR School of Medicine students answered the call. Just 24 hours...

Clinical Faculty Profile - Pete Benavidez, Blindness Support Services
Pete Benavidez lost most of his vision to Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) at the age of 23. But while losing his vision was a huge personal blow, it set him upon a path that has allowed him to touch the lives of thousands of visually impaired people throughout Inland Southern California...

School of Medicine Recognizes Faculty and Students at Annual Awards Event
The annual UC Riverside School of Medicine Faculty and Student Awards Banquet for 2019-20 was held online via Zoom on Wednesday, Oct. 14, 2020. The event, usually held with a celebratory banquet, was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and eventually converted into an online event when it became clear...